Scooter Protection
Safety First
Staying safe on your scooter should be the number one priority for all scooter riders. We highly recommend a helmet and pads at the skatepark in order to prevent the day's session from ending too soon.
Don't wreck yourself
All Protection
Whether you're just starting off or riding at a professional level, there is always the risk of an unexpected accident due to the nature of the sport. Protection is not only vital in keeping you safe but it also provides an extra level of confidence which will improve your riding faster.
Keeping your noggin safe
Protecting your head while scootering is the single most important thing that you can do - it is absolutely required. Stick a lid on it now and discover our range of helmets for all ages.
Future proofing your joints
My nan had to have a knee replacement recently, not from dropping in down at her local but still. Your knees are great. Respect the knees. You'll thanks us when you're older...
Extra Protection
Gloves & Gum Shields
Gloves and gum shields are definitely something to consider wearing when riding your scooter. With a proper riding glove you gain warmth, protection and grip. Gum shields are crucial to keep your smile in tact.